AI for Industry

Anomaly Sound Detection



In order to automatize product quality control, we develop new methods to detect malfunctioning products by detecting their anomalous operatings sounds.


The main difficulty with Anomaly Sound Detection is the lack of anomalous data, leading to unbalanced normal and anomaly datasets. We have investigated two approaches to tackle this issue:  (1) the binary classification approach with Data Augmentation and Transfer Learning techniques; (2) the one-class classification approach with Bayesian Deep Learning techniques.



Several Data Augmentation techniques able to generate realistic anomalous sounds.

A new binary classifier technique based on a Multi-Task Learning framework for Transfer Learning (Proof of Concept).

A new one-class classifier technique based on Bayesian Density Estimation which leverages the full 2D spectro-temporal information contained in the sound spectrograms. The results of this work were presented at the International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing (ISM2023) at Lisbon in November 2023.