October 17, 2019
IMRA and the CNRS sign a collaborative Framework Agreement

IMRA and the CNRS have signed a Framework Agreement in the Headquarters of the CNRS in Paris on October 17th, 2019. This agreement will facilitate and speed up the processes of negotiating collaboration agreements between IMRA and the groups of the CNRS.
The document was signed by Yuki TOJIMA, IMRA President, and Jean-Luc Moullet, CNRS Chief Innovation Officer. Important features discussed are the management of results of projects carried out jointly and the intellectual property. An evaluation committee is created which will set the actions related to the protection of such results. A special provision of the agreement is created for results that should be kept as know-how and not published or patented: the “Technical Secret Documentation File”. The Framework Agreement sets also the rules related to each party’s own knowledge and the conditions for their reuse by the other party. The sharing of technical resources is also discussed as well as the exchanges and reception of staff. The effective duration of this framework agreement will be five years. An article relating the signature has been published in a recent issue of the
CNRS journal "La lettre innovation".