Publications Sciences Informatiques

Spatially Sensitive Statistical Shape Analysis for Pedestrian Recognition from LIDAR Data

Savelonas, M. A., Pratikakis, I., Theoharis, T., Thanellas, G., Abad, F., Bendahan, R.



Efficient Combination of Lidar Intensity and 3D Information by DNN for Pedestrian Recognition with High and Low Density 3D Sensor

Mioulet, L., Tsishkou, D., Bendahan, R., Abad, F.



Safe Vehicle Trajectory Prediction Using Deep Neural Networks and Camera Images

Dzmitry Tsishkou, Remy Bendahan


Real-time multiple object recognition for collision avoidance using Wide Angle Stereo Camera

Tsishkou, D., Shirvany, R., Abad, F., Bougnoux, S., Bendahan, R.



Low cost stereovision based truck parking occupancy detection

Deruytter, M., Favoreel, W., Tsishkou, D., Bougnoux, S., Bendahan, R.



Real-time bicycle recognition for intelligent rear collision warning systems

Shirvany, R., Tsishkou, D., Vestri, C., Abad, F., Bougnoux, S., Bendahan, R.



Stereovision truck parking occupancy detection

Deruytter, M., Maddelein, K., Favoreel, W., Tsishkou, D., Bougnoux, S., Bendahan, R.



Rear collision avoidance using only small baseline wide angle stereo camera

Bendahan, R., Vestri, C., Tsishkou, D., Abad, F., Bougnoux, S.



Vision-based safe maneuvers with detection of 10cm height obstacles

Vestri, C., Tsishkou, D., Abad, F., Wybo, S., Bougnoux, S., Bendahan, R.



Evaluation of pedestrian/child recognition by stereovision system

Tsishkou, D., Vestri, C., Abad, F., Wybo, S., Bougnoux, S., Bendahan, R.



Real-time monocular 3D vision system

Vestri, C., Bendahan, R., Abad, F., Wybo, S., Bougnoux, S.


Transition: A relevant image feature for fast obstacle detection

Vestri, C., Bendahan, R., Abad, F., Wybo, S., Bougnoux, S.


Monocular Vision Obstacles Detection for Autonomous Navigation

Wybo, S., Tsishkou, D., Vestri, C., Abad, F., Bougnoux, S., Bendahan, R.


Experimental evaluation of multi-cue monocular pedestrian detection system using built-in rear view camera

Tsishkou, D., Bougnoux, S.


Parking space detection

Abad, F., Bendahan, R., Wybo, S., Bougnoux, S., Vestri, C., Kakinami, T.


Improving backing-up manoeuvre safety with vision-based movement detection

Wybo, S., Bendahan, R., Bougnoux, S., Vestri, C., Abad, F., Kakinami, T.


Movement detection for safer backward maneuvers

Wybo, S., Bendahan, R., Bougnoux, S., Vestri, C., Abad, F., Kakinami, T.


Movement detection for safer backward maneuver

Wybo, S., Bendahan, R., Bougnoux, S., Vestri, C., Abad, F., Kakinami, T.


Evaluation of a point tracking vision system for parking assistance

Vestri, C., Bougnoux, S., Bendahan, R., Fintzel, K., Wybo, S., Abad, F., Kakinami, T.



Evaluation of a vision-based parking assistance system

Vestri, C., Bougnoux, S., Bendahan, R., Fintzel, K., Wybo, S., Abad, F., Kakinami, T.



3D Parking Assistant System

Fintzel, K., Bendahan, R., Vestri, C., Bougnoux, S., Kakinami, T.



3D Vision System for Vehicles

Fintzel, K., Bendahan, R., Vestri, C., Bougnoux, S., Yamamoto, S., Kakinami, T.