Prediction and anticipation of futures states of movable objects

MANTRA: Memory Augmented Networks for Multiple Trajectory Prediction

Francesco Marchetti, Federico Becattini, Lorenzo Seidenari, Alberto Del Bimbo

To be published June 2020

Multimodal Future Localization and Emergence Prediction for Objects in Egocentric View with a Reachability Prior

Osama Makansi, Ozgun Cicek, Kevin Buchicchio, Thomas Brox

To be published June 2020

Vehicle Trajectories from Unlabeled Data Through Iterative Plane Registration

Federico Becattini, Lorenzo Seidenari, Lorenzo Berlincioni, Leonardo Galteri, Alberto Del Bimbo



Overcoming limitations of mixture density networks: a sampling and fitting framework for multimodal future prediction

Osama Makansi, Eddy Ilg, Ozgun Cicek, Thomas Brox